Predictions for September 2024 - by Jucelino Luz

(dreams are not predestinations)

1. Unseasonable cold front, strong winds, rains will hit some regions of southern Brazil; also São Paulo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, and many other regions, mixed with dry weather, very hot weather.
2. Weak economy, large gaps in public coffers will generate large demonstrations in Brazil, as always, politics and sectors that are aligned with the abuses involved in corruption;
3. Strong earthquake of 7.0 hits Japan, which could victimize many people;
4. Presidents of Indonesia and the Philippines should be very careful; as it will be a month of negative energies with risks and danger of attacks against their lives;
5. Argentina, despite so many measures, suffers more with the economic situation, as it is difficult to recover from the gap left in public coffers, a legacy complicated by previous mismanagement, and demonstrations may break out; and we will have strong winds and very heavy rain in that country; a sudden drop in temperature may affect the country;

6. In Amazonas, Pará and Acre, devastation and problems in some regions due to conflicts, clandestine exploitation and favoritism in deforestation and mineral exploration will increase by 28% this month. Those who should be monitoring will turn a blind eye;

7. France is expected to have demonstrations and attacks against people near Paris, an increase in poverty and serious employment and poverty problems in that country; heavy rains and cyclones will hit France;

8. In England, an attack may victimize many people near London; on the other hand, rains, storms and storms will hit the country, and a strong storm will hit several places; a sharp drop in the stock market may harm investments;

9. The economic conditions of Portugal, Spain and Italy will also be harmed, which may affect some sectors and lead to new banking and corporate scandals; a major collapse in the supply of jobs and political disagreements; Heavy rains will hit places in some countries, causing flooding and homelessness;

10. Severe drought in India and Thailand could cause serious damage to the country and water shortages could harm crop cultivation;

11. A plane crash or train crash could kill dozens of people in India, and storms could cause landslides and the burial of villages; a strong earthquake hits India;

12. Strong winds and heavy rains from a typhoon in Taiwan could close schools and damage some areas, causing flooding and problems in that country;

13. In China, a strong earthquake could shake up the country's conditions, causing more victims, and we can have sandstorms in some areas; a typhoon could hit the country; 1

4. A typhoon, heavy rains and strong winds could hit Japan and cause destruction and deaths;

15. In Bolivia, an earthquake and a gas explosion could cause many victims;

16. In Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, cases of hemorrhagic dengue fever are beginning to increase, spreading throughout the country. And in some places, heavy rain and destruction;

17. In Denmark, Norway and Sweden, heavy rains may cause rocks to fall on the roads and cause casualties in some regions, and there will be a possibility of an attack;

18. An attack in Russia and Ukraine may victimize many innocent people; heavy rain causes destruction;]

19. A strong earthquake may hit Indonesia and victimize some people near the central area; and in Jakarta, rain and destruction with floods;

20. A typhoon may head towards China, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea. High prices and economic crisis in these places may affect business and increase poverty and unemployment, banks in the red and large companies facing financial problems;

21. Fires in the forests, strong earthquake hits New Zealand, Australia, which may cause casualties; Heat and fires hit Australia, which may cause destruction in the country;

22. Major political crisis, financial instability, could change a lot in the municipal elections, attacks and assaults could victimize many involved, and public distrust of voters could generate a very serious crisis in the electoral system, leading the country to a popular uprising in Brazil; 23. A strong earthquake hits Chile, which could cause victims throughout the country; 24. Marburg, Ebola, Norovirus, Mpox, Nipah, Smallpox, Variola virus, could spread to Africa, Asia, South, Central and North America, Europe and could be a gateway for the virus to other countries, due to lack of inspection at airports and river ports; 25. There is a high risk of a volcano erupting in Iceland, which could cause a lot of damage; an avalanche kills innocent people and rains bring landslides; 26. A plane crash in Greece could kill many people; 27. Conflicts in Libya, Sierra Leone, Kenya and some regions of Africa may cause casualties; 28. In the Republic of Congo, floods, landslides, a volcano may erupt and a village will have to be evacuated; a strong explosion may kill many people; 29. ​​In the US, several tornadoes may hit some regions of the country; in some places the heat increases and fires break out: a new attack at a rally may kill some people and a famous politician. Electoral disputes heat up, increasing Donald Trump's chances; 30. A strong earthquake may hit Peru; heavy rains and destruction; 31. Conflicts in Laos may kill many people; and problems with heavy rains; 32. Heavy rains hit Vietnam and cause floods and landslides in Hanoi; 33. A strong earthquake hits the Philippines, which may cause casualties and a typhoon may hit the country; 34. Floods in Sri Lanka and Cambodia could cause many victims throughout the country;
35. Heavy rains and floods could cause many victims in Colombia and Honduras;
36. Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany are hit by strong winds and heavy rains that cause victims everywhere; economic crisis could affect these countries;
37. Strong winds and heavy rains hit Italy with the possibility of victims;
38. Venezuela faces new protests and attacks against innocent people in that country;
39. Strong winds with rains and floods hit Canada, causing damage to people; a murder could shock public opinion;
40. In Mexico, an earthquake and around 15 people are victims of a massacre and there will be several protests in the country; in another region a strong earthquake hits the country;
41. In Turkey, a bomb attack could kill many people; a strong earthquake hits the country; 42. Uncontrolled exploration of minerals and metals on the planet is changing the magnetic field, enabling major changes and challenges for humanity;
43. Possible terrorist attack in Austria; we will have avalanches and storms in some regions, causing floods and strong winds;
44. In Israel, a bomb attack could kill many people;
45. An earthquake in Greece could cause many victims in the country and in other regions, we will have demonstrations and conflicts;
46. In Egypt, an attack could kill many people;
47. Drought and severe heat are beginning to complicate the situation of reservoirs in São Paulo, while in some regions rain and strong winds will cause destruction and deaths in Brazil;
48. The asteroid Bennu, which travels at 100 thousand km/h in space. It will pass by the Earth on September 24, 2182 – a great risk to planet Earth; 49. Famous Brazilian TV presenter (R. and another F.) will have to take great care of their health, as their lives are at risk. We hope that this will be reversed;
50. Germany is facing a serious economic problem, serious problems in the real estate sector, economic crisis, companies and industries with financial crisis, and banks with problems – requiring a boost in the domestic and foreign markets; possible attack in a large city center could kill 14 people

Vote in the next elections of 2024:

Journalist Jucelino Luz - 08/30/2024

One of the major problems faced in Brazil, and in many other countries, in addition to endemic impunity and corruption, is the poor distribution of income, where “many have little and few have a lot”. There is a great lack of awareness on the part of administrators and especially the legislature, which is always preaching democracy and law; social improvement, however, they create laws that are contrary to what they say.

Despite little effort also by the federal, state and municipal governments to adopt public policies aimed at social improvement, there has still been no political, administrative and tax reform that translates into effective and efficient political and public actions that promote the socioeconomic development and social well-being of the Brazilian people. They continue to exploit the good faith of the population that is very peaceful, afraid to act, and does not pay attention to things of common interest. In other words, they accept everything without questioning it because they live under the systemic oppression of those who pretend to be good guys and preach democracy, false equality in the country.

Therefore, value your vote and exercise this power consciously, so that this political instrument of the voter in the exercise of citizenship can positively transform social reality. The vote represents an achievement of the people and must be used with discretion and responsibility. Demand your legal right, whether left, right, center or extreme right, or extreme left. There is no point in fighting, you are all losing in this blindness that covers your idolatry while they unite to bring you all down, impoverishing, corrupting, stealing the faith of the honest people in this country.

Do not be fooled by unfounded promises, maneuvers and “political” speeches, without making fun of and insulting candidates and their government programs. VOTE CONSCIOUSLY for candidates for elective office with a clean record and with proposals aimed at improving the lives of the community, bringing quality of life, dignity and morality. Remember - you will only see them every 4 years, most of them with little purpose of improving your life.
“We are living in a vicious circle, you are forced to vote, without knowing if your vote was really for who you voted for, because you cannot question the dictatorship of the electoral black box, the most serious of all, knowing that you could vote for someone who will deceive you for the next four years (not to disregard good politicians), without having the legal right, at least, to regret it!”
“Corruption is the virus of the Republic”
To conclude this important discussion, we could suggest to the heads of state in this sense in reference to the electoral, political or even constitutional system - a plebiscite, or referendum and popular initiative. “In this sense, a change in the current System”
Both the plebiscite and the referendum are forms of popular consultation. The main difference between them is the time in which they occur.

To conclude the discussion of how many Brazilians are happy, satisfied or believe in the electoral, judicial, constitutional system in Brazil or possibly, it can be carried out, if there is interest, anywhere in the world it can be done!

"Freedom of expression is the fundamental right, in democratic societies, that allows the expression of opinions, ideas and beliefs without censorship or repression. Freedom of expression also encompasses the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through writing, speech, the press, art or any other source of communication.

The right to freedom of expression is one of the fundamental principles of a democratic and open society. It allows the debate of opinions, ideas and the search for truth through the confrontation of different points of view. However, freedom of expression also creates a dilemma when it comes to dealing with hate speech, intolerance and the propagation of ideologies that aim to destroy democratic society itself." "Article 5 of the 1988 Federal Constitution establishes that the expression of thought through intellectual, artistic, scientific and communication activities is free, regardless of censorship or license."


The author who expresses his predictions here is totally optimistic and positive. He is 70% correct in his predictions, and his goal is to transform this percentage to make the energies that occupy the human being more positive. Therefore, use negative news for learning, evolution, preparation, and protection, not to provoke exorbitant levels of anxiety, anger, fear, panic, sadness, paranoia, and stress.
It is ideal to learn to distinguish what you can take with you from what is not necessary. After all, we cannot live completely free of this news that we find bad, whether we like it or not. Avoiding them would be impossible on a planet where the greater experience is composed of ego, ambition, power, greed, and sin. We live in a Universe that moves with both negative and positive energies, which are occupying the same space in an environment (in equal degrees). At all times, they will try to consume you or occupy your mind and body. Use the negative for personal transformation, preparation, and protection, in the sense of elevating and providing for your life. Be happy, have faith, transform your path, take positive steps, towards a higher spiritual life.



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