Silvio Santos - Tribute

08/17/2024 - journalist Jucelino Luz

We all express our condolences for the death of presenter Silvio Santos, at the age of 93, this Saturday, the 17th. Silvio Santos had been hospitalized at the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo since the beginning of August and the cause of death was bronchopneumonia resulting from H1N1, according to Jucelino Luz's predictions
"Brazilian TV lost Silvio Santos today and is in mourning. On behalf of all admirers and fans, we express our solidarity with his family and co-workers at SBT. Silvio Santos was the greatest communicator in the history of Brazilian TV. He leaves behind generations of fans and followers and an enormous legacy that will not be forgotten", journalist Jucelino Luz

On the day that Brazilian television woke up already missing one of its great talents, I fondly and gratefully remember the years in which Silvio Santos helped write many stories for the city of São Paulo and then, until 1976, was taken to all Brazil. Since then, the joy and talent that entertained Brazilians on Sundays and inspired so many professionals and great, much-missed famous presenters such as Bolinha, Chacrinha, Jô Soares, Gugu, Hebe Camargo, Marcelo Rezende, Carlos Aguiar, Dárcio Campos, Barros de Alencar, Flávio Cavalcanti, J. Silvestre and many others stood out.

I also fondly remember the relationship of friendship, admiration and mutual respect that I had with everyone.

I also leave here one of the last three letters sent on June 24, 2024, with warnings of the predictions received through premonitory dreams (or astral travel)

Senor Abravanel, Silvio Santos, dedicated to bringing joy to the Brazilian people, a visionary of communications in Brazil, whose trademark in more than 76 years of career was simply his smile: contagious and unmatched.

Born on Travessa Bem-Te-Vi, in the historic Vila Rui Barbosa, in the Lapa neighborhood, in the center of the city of Rio de Janeiro, he came into the world on December 12, 1930, the son of Rebeca and Alberto, and with 5 siblings: Beatriz, Leon, Perla, Henrique and Sara.
Silvio Santos will be eternal, he will always be present in any Brazilian home, in a simple imitation of his funny laugh, his striking mannerisms, his perfect diction, his unmistakable voice, his little marches that he loved to sing so much, or simply in a photo or a video shown on any screen, which will immediately make anyone who remembers the "boss" "smile and sing" and in a burst of joy ask "who wants money?" to whoever is next to him, or try to fold a little airplane just to keep him in their memory.

Silvio Santos will always be an integral part of Brazilian TV, and will permeate future generations through his everlasting legacy for the world's largest mass media outlet. After all, there is a bit of Silvio Santos in every Brazilian, who fights, who perseveres, who gets up with a smile on his face and the will to win, who invents and reinvents himself every day, through his teaching words, in the hope of a better life, knowing that God supports and strengthens us, those who always listened to or watched his entertaining programs with their positive energy for all families.

In this moment of pain, I want to express my deep and sincere condolences to a very special family who has just lost someone very dear to them. I wish you all the strength to overcome this tragic and unexpected event.

Unfortunately, we have no power to stop death from stealing the people we love most. May the cherished memories you hold bring peace to your hearts.

Image credits: SBT


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