We need peace in the World - a moment of prayer for closure of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine


" War takes no one anywhere. War only brings pain and suffering, there is no winner in a battle, one way or another everyone loses."

World at Peace - Russia and Ukraine for life! "Blessed are those who promote peace, for they will be called children of God"
I am making this report at a difficult time for our planet, we all know very well, at a time of irreversible radical changes all over the world, of important historical events, which will shape the future of life on the planet and of our people who need to be more spiritually aware, when each of us has a huge responsibility.
Another year ago, with my foreboding was announced a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, under allegations without a nexus, from a romanticized aspect, as claimed by one of the parties, or to eliminate the threat posed by the regime that emerged in Ukraine after the coup d'état of 2014(so , was the allegations exposed by leaders ) , the decision was made to conduct a special military operation. And step by step, carefully and consistently, we will solve the tasks we face. Without even noting that there are human lives involved, putting their own citizens at risk of death.
Without even noticing that every human being, has the right to live in his land, to speak his native language, under all conditions to live without a blockade and without the need for constant bombing, undisguised hatred of the regime on both sides, believed and waited for NATO and the UN to come to the rescue, in order to stop at once this senseless conflict on both sides.
But behind our backs a completely different scenario was being prepared. The promises of the rulers to keep peace in the world remained only words, instead, the powers that be started supplying weapons, with the excuse of defending Ukraine, but what is the point of escalating the violence? a cruel lie. They have simply been stalling for time, engaging in much pettiness, turning a blind eye to political assassinations, to regime repressions on both sides against the unwanted, to the intimidation of believers, and encouraging more and more decimation of families on both sides, to commit inhumane acts as was the case in the first and second world wars. Why?
And I would like to especially point out that even before the special military operation began, these rulers irresponsibly get overwhelmed under ego, power, greed, without even thinking about their own people whose both sides were at peace. We also remember the efforts of the spirituality to ban nuclear weapons at once, after all, they have spoken about it publicly many times, that they would diminish them on the planet, and have not fulfilled anything, how can we trust these world administrators? Do they have nothing useful to offer to the world!!!?
The USA, China, Russia, India, the UN, and NATO should together set good examples and not implant darkness in the world. Instead of quickly creating their military bases and secret biological, chemical, nuclear laboratories all over the world. In the course of maneuvers, they study the theater of future operations, to dominate and bring poverty into the world - so innocent people remain enslaved by a system, for a great war without meaning or reason! Where is the love and respect among the peoples ....
Is it not enough destruction on this planet, created by the irresponsibility of all world leaders, which has put our descendants at great risk? look at global warming, it has put the entire world population at eminent risk!

And today they admit it, they really admit it publicly, openly, without shame. It is as if they are proud, reveling in their perfidy, calling so much the Climate Agreements made without concrete progress.
Now, besides the planetary disorder caused by you, blood is being shed, of Russians and Ukrainians, I want to stress this, really sincerely, sought a peaceful solution, they were playing with people's lives, playing, basically, as they say in certain circles, with marked cards and lack of respect for life.
This disgusting method of deception has been tested many times before. In the same shameful, two-faced way, they behaved when they destroyed themselves in many wars without any cause.
During long centuries of colonialism, of dictatorship, of hegemony, they got used to being allowed everything, they got used to not caring at all about the whole world. It turns out that they treat the peoples of their own countries with the same disdainful, lordly, feudal attitude, we need to respect the serfs. after all, without deceiving them or keeping them with fairy tales about the search for peace, about the commitment to the UN Security Council resolutions. As a matter of fact, I don't see any manifestations of this important body for world peace and the protection of peoples, life, and the planet anymore. In fact, the world elites have become a symbol of total lies and no principles. I miss good manners, respect among peoples, love, and above all, true spirituality.
We strongly defend not only our interests, but also our position that in today's world there should be no division between the so-called civilized countries and all the others, that an honest partnership is needed, which on principle denies any exclusivity, especially an aggressive one.
We expect something more open, sincerely ready for a constructive dialogue between world rulers, the whole world needs an indivisible and equal security system for all states, and for many years, this idea together, that they would work on its implementation. But the response we are seeing, is inarticulate or hypocritical. But there have also been no concrete actions: in the sense of slowing down the expansion of the proliferation of weapons or curbing or stopping the destruction of the planet.
There are hundreds of abstract projects, I want to emphasize this, that is, no environmental protection, and hundreds of bases all over the world, the whole planet is full of them, just look at a map.
The whole world has witnessed how they have not withdrawn fundamental agreements in the area of disarmament, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, unilaterally tearing up fundamental agreements that keep peace in the world. They did it for a reason, they don't do anything for nothing, as you know. And instead of keeping peace in the world, they want to see people destroy each other - all for money, greed, ego, and power. What is the point of this? -None...
At the recent conference, there were endless accusations against Russia, we need to understand that it is not only that country's fault, I think there is irresponsibility in several nations - that it doesn't care about the people, only about the interests of leaders, who feed on ego. On the other hand, Vladimir Putin has to stop blaming the West, thinking that the people don't see things; here we also have honest, suffering, poverty-stricken, good people who have been deceived by their leaders, and the President of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelensky has to stop making propaganda, being in newspapers and magazines, while his people have been perishing through these conflicts. Both of you stop harming the world and your people!
Neither of them has any regard for the victims and human tragedies, because at stake, of course, are quadrillion dollars; the ability to continue stealing from everyone; under cover of words about democracy and freedoms, to impose neoliberal and totalitarian values by their very nature; to label entire countries and peoples, to publicly insult their leaders; to suppress dissent in their own countries; to create the image of the enemy, to distract people's attention from the corruption scandals, after all we see all of this on our screens, from the growing economic, social, interethnic problems and domestic contradictions. Meanwhile we live in a world full of poverty and exploitation, we should not have poverty in the world, poverty only exists because there are exploiters and people who think they are powerful.

You are not only at war with people, you have formed a war against nature, and we will all lose this war. We are not respecting the environment or the people who inhabit this planet; I have spoken of this many times to all the world leaders who fill the world with nuclear bombs, thinking that they are protected and that their lords of truth have occupied these various countries with deconstructive policies, militarily and economically, and have destroyed life on the planet, plundering its natural resources for decades, without respecting limits. The logical result will be social degradation, a huge increase in poverty and inequality. And under such conditions, of course, it is easy to extract material for dishonest and incoherent operations. Nobody thought about the people, and all you world leaders act like power-hungry predators, preparing innocents for the slaughter, and in the end turned into cannon fodder. It is sad, really frightening to talk about, but it is a fact.
The current regime created by you in suffocating and imprisoning people for power, greed and money, will not prosper because you are burying along with the innocent people, all their families and descendants who will have to pay a very high price for their acts, added to the ignorance, which does not serve your national interests, but the interests of enriching themselves with the hunger and slavery of others.
God bless them, do whatever they want. What do we mean here? Adults and children have the right to live as they want, we consider it so in Russia or Ukraine or anywhere in the world, we fight for the freedom of peoples without distinction . What we want is peace, happiness, zero hunger, respect, and above all, spirituality.
Dear friends, I want to thank you all, all the people of the world, do not fall into the fantasies of these leaders who destroy the world, and who are determined to lead their soldiers and officers to collective suicide, defending a cause without meaning and purpose, created by people who use the sensationalism of the mainstream media, and leaders who only think of themselves, leaders motivated only by ego, power, greed, money, and forget to protect the people and give decent conditions for survival on the planet. And they pretend to be spiritual.
My compliments to the parents, wives and family members who lost their loved ones, for no reason whatsoever, for mere excuses from two leaders who should give good examples, and for the failure of the UN, NATO, in feeding the violence in the world - thinking that this, solves the problems of the planet. And they spend millions of dollars on war , money , that could be used to create jobs , give food to the poor , and in protecting the environment . They forgot these words below:
"All the stuff we have on this planet, nothing belongs to us, even if you have a document or deed; it's just a rental for the time we stay here ..."
And here I would like to talk about the character of our world people: they have always been distinguished by generosity, kindness of soul, mercy and compassion, and whether in Russia, Ukraine, or any part of the world ., we cannot have parasites who are only there to create discord among peoples, do away with respect, love, happiness, and above all, spirituality.

My regards to the parents, wives and family members who lost their loved ones for no reason whatsoever, for the mere excuses of two leaders who should be setting good examples, and for the failure of the UN, NATO, to fuel violence in the world - thinking that this solves the problems of the planet. And they spend millions of dollars on war , money , that could be used to create jobs , give food to the poor , and in protecting the environment . They forgot these words below:
"All the stuff we have on this planet, nothing belongs to us, even if you have a document or deed; it's just a rental for the time we stay here ..."
And here I would like to talk about the character of our world people: they have always been distinguished by generosity, kindness of soul, mercy and compassion, and whether in Russia, Ukraine, or any part of the world ., we cannot have parasites who are only there to create discord among peoples, do away with respect, love, happiness, and above all, spirituality.
The latest statements from their leaders only confirm this - listen. We simply cannot and must not ignore this, especially today, nor can we ignore the fact that the first
Of course, the situation in the world after 1945 has changed. And we need to value world peace.
Dear Colleagues! Dear citizens of the spiritual world!
Today we are going through a complex and difficult path together, and overcoming all the difficulties together. It could not be any other way, because we have been raised following the example of our great ancestors, and we have the duty to be worthy of their legacies, which are passed on from generation to generation. We only go forward thanks to the devotion to World Peace to the will and our unity.
Thank you for this sincere support, unity and mutual support. They cannot be accepted, what we want in the world is respect, peace and protection for our descendants.

The latest statements from their leaders only confirm this - listen. We simply cannot and must not ignore this, especially today, nor can we ignore the fact that the first
Of course, the situation in the world after 1945 has changed. And we need to value world peace.
Dear Colleagues! Dear citizens of the spiritual world!
Today we are going through a complex and difficult path together, and overcoming all the difficulties together. It could not be any other way, because we have been raised following the example of our great ancestors, and we have the duty to be worthy of their legacies, which are passed on from generation to generation. We only go forward thanks to the devotion to World Peace to the will and our unity.
Thank you for this sincere support, unity and mutual support. They cannot be accepted, what we want in the world is respect, peace and protection for our descendants.

"Without judging anyone, for, I respect everyone - we need to unite peoples and not, destroy life ..."
The truth is ours. Share these words, support our movement to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, above all, with the purpose of world peace, respect for life, respect for nature, respect among peoples, and above all peace and spirituality in the world.

Prof. Jucleino Nobrega da Luz


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