Energy prayer , for the union of peoples , blessings , let us pray for all the families of the world ...


"We will have a 2022 full of achievements, abundance, health, peace, happiness ..."

December 30, 2021

From 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Brasília time - Brazil

Science says that water is one of the main energy conductors that exists, and the spirits teach that this is why they use it to transmit to the sick the energies they need, to obtain relief from their physical and spiritual pains. It is the liquid chosen by spiritual benefactors to pour their magnetized fluids. It is in water that spiritual medication can be imprinted.
Every year more than 40 million people seek to make a request, receive an energization, or a prayer, placing their name on the altar of divinity and we will perform the prayers and energization of water. Life puts before us several obstacles on a daily basis. These thorns often take our eyes away from what is really important to us, but if we look ahead and keep seeing in the distance our dream, the goal we want to achieve, it is because this obstacle is not big enough to make us give up!

We need to keep focused on what we want to achieve, we need to keep focused on what is good, what makes us stronger, what encourages us to keep moving forward, even when we think we are no longer capable. For those who dream, giving up is never an option.

And the work and works done for the benefit of humanity only makes us feel stronger, because when we think we can no longer continue, our colleagues help us to look forward, and show us again the path we must follow. With a good prayer and energization we never get lost in the desert, it is the union that makes strength and that makes us stronger in our conquests!

Our greatest incentive is and always will be the satisfaction we feel when we manage to overcome all the obstacles to get where we want, with respect, solidarity, and a spirit of lasting strength to embrace and help humanity!
A prayer for humanity, and welcome to all !
Sign up now! Come and be part of this great spiritual family.
Send your intention to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO : Send the full name of the person(s), family to offer your prayer and intention for the Superior Universe (your God) to intercede in your life ! On the day, put a glass of water or a bottle of water until the end of the prayer, then it can be consumed.

Prof. Jucelino Luz - Spiritual Guide


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