October 2023 predictions - by Jucelino Luz

 (Predictions are not predestinations)

(Águas de Lindóia, September 30, 2023)

 1. An attack in northern Pakistan could kill more than 30 people;

2. In France, demonstrations spread across the country - economic problems worsen, and a possible attack - real estate crisis and rising prices;

3. Portugal, Spain and Italy are facing an economic crisis that is likely to worsen by the end of December 2023, with problems caused by fires, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes;

 4. Japan, heavy rains, windstorms, floods in some parts of the country, strong earthquake and typhoon Koinu can  hit the country, economic crisis;

5. In Brazil, the economic crisis affects many sectors, the economy is still suffering, the month of October until December 2023, major problems in the market; bankruptcy of companies increases in the country, manifestation will spread, quarrel between politicians can bring death and crisis in the country. Cyclone, heavy rains, floods in the south of the country, also in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Bahia and several Brazilian states. Strong heat wave.

 6. In Iraq, an attack kills more than 15 innocent people

7. Politicians with health problems, current political and justice system generates a lot of expense and problems for Brazilians, high level of distrust, loss of credibility will increase by 67%. Brazil could be more than 40 years behind due to administrative problems and a lack of public policies and projects to benefit Brazil;

8. Deforestation is still a major problem in Pará and Amazonas, and we may see more deaths, persecutions, invasions and increased violence in the gold mines in those regions (Brazil).

 9. Storms hit China and typhoon Koinu could hit the country (China), Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan causing closures, problems at airports, winds and floods inside stores, schools and a strong economic crisis; involving the real estate crisis and other sectors;

10. Heavy rains, floods and landslides in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. In Sweden, the number of deaths will increase due to a conflict involving an organization known as R.F., which is involved in internal fighting that will split it into two distinct factions. This tends to spread, causing fear in people. Possibly it will spread to Norway, Denmark..;

11. In Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, casualities  is  going to cause  heavy rains, floods;

12. Torrential rains, strong earthquake hits Peru and could cause deaths in the country

13. Cyclone, rains, windstorms hit the south of Brazil, and there will be problems in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais (Brazil);

14. A strong earthquake hits Turkey, potentially causing landslides and deaths; heavy rains cause destruction;

15. Typhoon and strong storms in the Philippines and also in South Korea, causing floods and victims in these countries;

 16. Germany heavy rains and destruction, including a housing crisis that can  spread throughout the country - in the face of an economic crisis, unemployment; Around 3,100 people are likely to die in Germany this year due to high temperatures;

17 Argentina may have a new President - current MP, Javier Gerardo Milei, leader of the Avances de Libertad coalition, starting with greater risk in September 2023, but may change the plan for rallies in the elections for president of Argentina - candidate for the presidency of Argentina, according to the energies, could be the new president of Argentina - if there is no fraud: (In addition to a great scheme to overthrow him);..., but he will be at great risk to his life and will have to be very careful when making speeches or in crowded places: if he escapes all the threats he will have to face,

 18 Heavy rains and floods can  hit Bolivia, and the heatwave will also kill many people;

19. A strong earthquake can  hit Alaska and cause panic, as well as floods and landslides;

 20. Storms, Hurricane can  hit the USA and cause great damage and possible deaths; causing heavy rains, floods, destruction and meanwhile, the heat will cause fires, destruction - economic crisis increases;

21. Strong earthquake could hit Chile and cause damage and possible deaths in that country; also heatwave and heavy rains will cause destruction, landslides and floods;

22. Heat, heavy rains, floods, landslides in the country. Attack in Thailand could kill at least 10 innocent people;

23. Rains and floods in India and in some regions it is the lack of water that cam  cause many problems; strong earthquake and plane crash;

 24. Volcano erupts in Indonesia leaving people homeless and in a lot of danger; on the other hand, two strong earthquakes will hit the country - floods are spreading, as well as landslides and people missing;

25. A strong earthquake hits Haiti and also heavy rains, leaving people in panic;

26. Rains and floods hit Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, possibly causing casualties;

 27. A possible attack in Turkey against the Parliament can  cause five or more victims in that country;

28. Major floods, cyclones could hit New Zealand and Australia, causing casualties; a strong earthquake can hit one of these countries;

29. A possible attack in London and France can cause deaths; strong winds will hit these countries, in addition to the economic problem that is increasing;

30. In Russia, several problems, riots after a suicide attack; a strong earthquake hits the country;

 31. In Hong Kong, a major scandal involving a cryptocurrency company and several arrests in the territory administered by China;

32. Heavy rains in Germany, early snowfall, and problems can  cause a disaster in the country; real estate crisis hits the country,

 33. In the mountainous areas of Rio de Janeiro, the possibility of heavy rain and landslides; and problems in central areas;

34. A strong earthquake hits Italy, which can  cause damage; heavy rain in some regions;

 35. A major attack on Israel could cause deaths in the country;

36. A strong 7.0 earthquake hits Taiwan and can cause casualties; a strong typhoon is also approaching with strong winds and storms;

37. In Switzerland and Austria, strong winds and storms can cause flooding and possible casualties;

38. A strong storm with hurricane force will hit the south of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and parts of Spain and Portugal, damaging these countries;

39. A storm in Haiti can  cause floods, deaths and problems for that country;

 40. In Egypt, a terrorist attack can  kill many people in the capital;

41. A strong storm can destroy part of Jamaica, Cayman, Cuba, Nicaragua and Belize;

42. Heavy rains in Malaysia (Cambodia) and Vietnam can  cause flooding and destruction,

43. A fire in a nightclub complex in Murcia, Spain, will leave at least 14 people dead on October 1, 2023;

44. State deputy Lucinha (PSD-RJ) will be kidnapped in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. She will be at a place where she will be celebrating her birthday, when three armed men will  invade the place and take a car from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) with the parliamentarian inside;

45. Almost a million people will protest on October 1, 2023 in Warsaw against the current government in the country, two weeks before the general elections in Poland. The protest will be called by opposition leader and former Prime Minister Donald Tusk seeks to mobilize the electorate ahead of the vote. Regardless of the protest in the capital against the populist-nationalist government of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, it can  still win the elections in Poland - if nothing changes energetically.

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