The people united, will never be defeated!
"Everyone is worried about the immediate release of the vaccine, without objective clarification about who will be responsible for the side effects..."
Águas de Lindoia, January 22, 2022
Let me question, without accusing anyone, however, who really benefits from these alleged threats? Whenever they are close to or approve the vaccine of João Doria, Governor of the State of São Paulo (nothing personal), the directors and servers of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), complain about suffering threats after the agency gives the approval? Not that I doubt it, however, is this a path to the approval of the Coronavac vaccine or would it just be an anticipated cover up? - Now comes the litany to the application of Coronavac in children and adolescents to combat covid-19. This requires a thorough investigation, not only against those who threaten, but also about the fact that twice, the representatives and directors are being threatened, especially needs an investigation on the statements of ANVISA, in the opinions favorable to the Government of São Paulo. The question that does not want to be silent: -What is the meaning of these threats? - After all, the vaccine has been approved. Until then, the only vaccine approved in Brazil for the pediatric population was Pfizer's immunization, which has already started to be applied to children between 5 and 12 years old.
On January 20, 2021, in a meeting that lasted more than three hours, Anvisa technicians presented data from Coronavac sent by the Butantan Institute. The studies demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the application of two doses of Coronavac, 28 days apart, in the population between 6 and 17 years old. But this is not really what has been happening in Brazil, many lives are being lost, which are being omitted by the sensationalist media, with indications that they are favoring the campaign of the Paulista Government, without any questioning. This is very suspicious!
The president director of Anvisa, Antonio Barra Torres, testified at the CPI of the Pandemic, on May 11, 2021; he also said the entity had already received threats - why is that?
The head of the regulatory agency demanded a public retraction from Bolsonaro, who raised suspicions about the board of the agency in an interview to a radio station in Pernambuco.
The current posture of the head of Anvisa, differs from his behavior at the beginning of the pandemic. In March 2020, before being confirmed in office by the Congress, he was, next to the president, in a demonstration at the Praça dos Três Poderes, in Brasília. In testimony to the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) of Covid, in May last year, Barra Torres admitted that it was "an inappropriate act".
Read ANVISA's note in full below:
"Note - Office of the President Director of Anvisa, Mr. Antonio Barra Torres
Regarding the recent questioning of the President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, about the vaccination of children from 05 to 11 years old, in which he asks "What is Anvisa's interest behind that? The President Director of Anvisa, Antonio Barra Torres, answers:
Mr. President, as a General Officer of the Brazilian Navy, I served my country for 32 years. I have based my personal life on austerity and honor. Honor to my family who, with all sorts of difficulties, allowed me to have access to the best education possible, for the only son of a nursing assistant and a railroad worker.
As a doctor, Mr. President, I tried to keep reason ahead of feeling. But I suffered with every loss, mourned every failure and made it a point to be the bearer of the worst news myself, when death took a patient from me.
As a Christian, Mr. President, I sought to keep the commandments, even though I embraced a career in arms. I never bore false witness.
I will die without knowing wealth Mr. President. But I will die worthy. I have never appropriated anything that was not mine, nor do I intend to do so, ahead of Anvisa. I cherish the moral values that my parents practiced and that I could add to my character through their example.
If you have any information that raises the slightest indication of corruption against this Brazilian, do not waste time or prevaricate, Mr. President. Order an immediate police investigation on me, or rather, on anyone working today at Anvisa, which I am proud to be part of.
Now, if you have no such information or clues, exercise the greatness that your position demands and, for the sake of the God you quote so much, retract.
We are fighting the same enemy and there is still a lot of war ahead.
Reviewing a wrong speech or act will not diminish you in any way. On the contrary.
Antonio Barra Torres
President Director - Anvisa
Rear Admiral RM1 Physician
Brazilian Navy"
We all have the right to question.
Therefore, the Brazilian people are the ones who are interested in knowing, how this vaccine has been approved in record time - and it takes years, especially, when the laboratories have not even finished the phases. Said by the laboratories themselves.
And what is the manufacturing process of a vaccine?
According to researcher Jucelino Luz, they are generally produced from inactivated or attenuated microorganisms and substances that stimulate our immune defenses when we come into contact with an infectious agent. There are two types of vaccines:
Attenuated - They go through a process so that the infectious agent, despite being alive inside the vaccine, is incapable of causing disease, but is able to give a good defense to the organism. Examples of this type of vaccine are those that combat measles, yellow fever and mumps.
Inactivated - They contain parts or fragments of microorganisms that are no longer alive. They can contain, for example, proteins that will induce the production of antibodies without causing the disease. Inactivated vaccines are those against meningitis, hepatitis, rabies.
For a vaccine to be made available to the population, tests are needed to ensure its effectiveness and that its effect is not the opposite of that desired.
1st phase - The initial stage is done by scientists in the laboratory to find out which molecules should be used in the vaccine composition.
2nd non-clinical phase - Now the developed composition goes through tests with animals in in vitro experiments to prove its effectiveness.
3rd clinical phase - The tests are now performed in humans and here are divided into 3 stages:
First stage - Applied in a small group of healthy volunteers. It tests the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, as well as the immune response to the compound.
Stage 2 - Also tests the efficacy, but this time in a group with hundreds of volunteers, including individuals in the risk group for that disease.
Stage Three: In this last stage, thousands of people test the vaccine. It is actually applied in an attempt to fight the disease for which it is intended. Here the product is approved, but it remains under study to evaluate possible adverse effects and how it reacts to the immune system of patients.
What about the Coronavirus?
There is a lot of news daily about the manufacture of various vaccines that can bring immunity, peace and safety to the whole world. However, it also needs to go through all the steps mentioned above. Some are in human trials, including here in Brazil. "In the case of the Coronavirus several countries and companies have undertaken an effort never before seen in medicine. However, I wouldn't risk giving a deadline, because the involved players themselves have not announced in an OFFICIAL way the end of the research, or a date for them to be available to the population, however, in Brazil and in some parts of the world, they are still in the experimental phase, being used in humans, that is, no laboratory has given a final opinion, even so, there is evidence of maneuvering for approval in record time.
Now it is necessary to be patient and continue to maintain the care required by health organizations and public managers, trusting in the work of the professionals involved in this process so that by then we will all be fine. Thinking this way, questions that have not yet been answered have been sent.
Jucelino Luz, sent an e-mail to the President of Anvisa and Directors - it has not been answered to date. He asked how is the vaccine approval procedure and who will be responsible for the side effects?
The Fifth Directorate, where the monitoring of adverse effects occurs, received a threat in which it says that "the price to be paid will be terrible, I don't want to be in your shoes (sic)". Other threatening messages have also been received, according to the agency, but have not been made public. Who is sending these kinds of threats? Is it by hired hackers, in order to convince people? We need a very thorough investigation, in order to find out what are the real goals of these strange threats, which are in themselves suspicious.
New sensationalist media propaganda, to induce people to vaccinate their children:
"Children 0-4 years old are more vulnerable to the new coronavirus than children 5-11, the age group that has entered the national Covid-19 vaccination plan. "
ECA - LAW NO. 8.069, OF JULY 13, 1990.
Article 5 No child or adolescent shall be subject to any form of neglect, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty, and oppression, any violation of their fundamental rights being punished by law.
Article 7 - Children and adolescents have the right to protection of life and health, through the implementation of public social policies that allow for the birth and healthy and harmonious development, in conditions worthy of existence.
In sum, as provided in article 33 of the Child and Adolescent Statute, custody "obliges the provision of material, moral and educational assistance to the child or adolescent", and it is the responsibility of the non-guardian parent to supervise the guardian in relation to his or her decisions concerning the minor.
It is the duty of the family, the society and the State to ensure the child and the adolescent, with absolute priority, the right to life, health, food, education, leisure, professionalization, culture, dignity, respect, freedom and family and community coexistence, besides protecting them from all forms of negligence, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty and oppression.
This is something that the State has been omissive about, so how can it want to demand anything?
Thousands of children and adults live in poverty and misery on the streets of Brazil, they have never done anything to solve the problem, and now they want, through dictatorial mandates and impositions, to save the people with the miracle of the experimental vaccine?
For Consultor Jurídico, however, the criminal and child and adolescent justice systems in the country would not be able to apply punishment to the point of removing custody. "The temporary suspension of custody is a legal illusion," he said. "It is not because the norm is foreseen that it is applied in a country like ours." For him, it is not possible today yet, from a legal point of view, to define the covid vaccine as mandatory, even because there is in the Federal Constitution and the Civil Code itself, legal arguments that protect the right to want or not !
And still argues that it is indisputable the importance of vaccinating children, but believes that, by the parameters of minimal intervention of criminal law, it is better that the issue is resolved at the administrative level, with the application of a fine. And on the other hand, we are talking about experimental vaccines, and even the studies have not been concluded, we also need to analyze the issue of legal guarantees about the side effects of this vaccine, where not even the manufacturer (the laboratories) are guaranteeing - how then, can the government want to penalize and force something?
A father could even be the target of a police investigation for refusing to vaccinate his daughter, but the application of a criminal penalty for such conduct "is difficult": "The Public Prosecutor's Office may have an important role from the administrative and Civil Inquiry point of view", however, it will have to take responsibility by issuing a public document, for the possible side effects or provide a legal document, whose responsibility will it be? - Respecting, article 5 and article 15 (fifth) of law 10406 of January 2002, this document that every Brazilian and foreign citizen, can demand from those who want to force to use something unknown - even by opportunistic science, at the behest of "unreliable" authorities and rulers, by the population itself - who are applying dictatorial demands, unconstitutional and with abuse of power.
Now therefore the General Assembly proclaims the present Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common ideal to be achieved by all peoples and all nations, with the object that every individual and every organ of society, having this Declaration always in mind, shall endeavor by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms, and by progressive measures at national and international level to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of the Member States themselves and among the peoples of the territories under their jurisdiction.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2: Every human being has the capacity to enjoy the rights and freedoms set forth in the constitution.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
2. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing, or subject to any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3 (Right to Life)
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6: Everyone has the right to be free from slavery and the slave trade.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7
Everyone is equal before the law and is entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 18: Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either publicly or privately, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice and worship.
Article 19 (Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion)
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Interesting video :
According to the Penal Code: For experimental vaccines, Art. 132 - Expose the life or health of another person to direct and imminent danger: Penalty - detention, from three months to one year, if the fact does not constitute a more serious crime.
As can be easily observed, in article 132 of the Penal Code, the Penal Code penalizes those who "expose" the life or health of others, therefore, the protected legal good is life and health.
Sole paragraph. The penalty is increased by one-sixth to one-third if the exposure of another's life or health to danger results from transporting people to provide services in establishments of any nature, in disagreement with the legal norms. (Included by Law 9.777, 1998)
"In Brazil, this elective year, with the political war and attacks - it's going to be a very complicated year - for the lives of citizens."
On the other hand, a great ally of the people, of dissemination of truths: "the Telegram", popular among the various movements, will become target, by indications of requests from Social networks of the great mass (such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube that has been losing followers because they are blocking information from those who are against the vaccinations), to various world rulers, who will start accusing the application of being passive in the spread of hate speech and untruths .
It's time for people to unite in all parts of the world and protest peacefully against these social networks, stopping subscribing and following groups against the population.
Citizen Rights Service:
If you have been victimized under pressure or forced to vaccinate (without proper safeguards or not informed about the dangers of side effects), find your trusted lawyer and sue those involved: -Laboratory, the Hospital, the State, ANVISA and authorities responsible for the experimental vaccine .
How to report a possible crime?
If you notice that there were maneuvers to change laws, with decrees, corporativism, lack of medical ethics, corruption, any illegality on the part of authorities about the pandemic, injustice committed, and others (add legal evidence), against Higher Bodies, Senators, Deputies, Governors - then send the complaint: - "Crime Against Humanity, Crime of Human Rights, Crime Against Public Health and Corruption", to the following address (in the languages: English, Dutch or French):
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Jucelino Nobrega da Luz - researcher, writer, activist and spiritual guide.