Predictions for December 2024 - by Jucelino Luz

(They are not predestinations - Therefore, do not be scared - on the contrary, be prepared!

1.      A strong earthquake in Japan may affect cities with a possible Tsunami - blizzard hits the country - an attack in a busy place may kill many people in Tokyo. A volcano may erupt;

2.      A strong earthquake may hit Taiwan - near Taipei, which may cause casualties and damage; a typhoon hits the area;

3.      Brazil, economic problems, will create revolts, calls for impeachment against politicians and popular revolt against the current system, may bring a light at the end of the tunnel.

4.      Earthquake in Italy may cause a lot of damage and deaths, also heavy rains cause disruptions and floods in some regions; blizzard hits some regions - volcano erupts;

5.      In Congo, demonstration may generate conflicts and heavy rains hit some regions, volcanic eruption and strong earthquake;

6.      Storms hit Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro (mountainous areas and central part), São Paulo (with floods and strong winds in some areas of the interior);

7.      A bus collision with a truck could kill many people near Juiz de Fora–MG, (if the departure or arrival time is delayed or brought forward, the time can save lives)

8.      A bus collision in India can kill at least 21 people; (if the departure or arrival time is delayed or brought forward, the time can save lives)

9.      A plane can crash in Cambodia, causing panic and possible deaths;

10. An attack plot can  kill people in England, near London airport; a hangover may  cause fear, and in another location an attack can  kill many people. New case of deaths and disappearances of women may lead to the discovery of a new serial killer;

11. An attack in France may kill at least 6 people in one of the tourist cities (censored for legal reasons...) Heavy rains may bring floods and destruction;

12. Heavy snowfall hits the US and Canada, causing damage and possible deaths; large fires may hit Los Angeles, Washington and California; a hurricane may form...

13. An earthquake may cause damage and victims in Peru

14. A strong earthquake hits Indonesia, which may cause victims; floods and destruction may hit some areas – a volcano may erupt;

15. In Hawaii, signs of a volcano and a possible earthquake cause panic;

16. In Haiti, problems with rain and demonstrations in some parts cause victims; a strong earthquake hits the area;

17. A strong earthquake in the Caribbean Sea, northwest of the coast of Jamaica and south of Cuba, may cause victims in the country;

18.  Attack in Spain causes the deaths of at least 8 people; near the train station - heavy rains hit some regions,

19.   New President-Elect in the USA - Donald Trump, begins to prepare for possession in the charge  as President, in January 2025;

20.  In Afghanistan,   bomb attack could victimize more than 17 innocent people;

21. Train crashes could kill many people in Bangladesh, and in some regions heavy rains cause destruction and deaths; (delaying or advancing the departure or arrival time could save lives)

22. In South Africa, heavy rains, floods, an attack cause victims and demonstrations spread in the capital;

23. Heavy snowfall hits China, and at least two strong earthquakes hit regions near Sichuan; and a lethal virus may emerge - some economic problems will cause reactions on the Stock Exchange;

24. Vietnam, Thailand. Severe drought hits some regions, damaging crops at the end of the year, so we will have precipitation with heavy rains, windstorms and destruction;

25. Bad weather, storms and storm surges may hit Cuba, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic; a strong earthquake in Puerto Rico;

26. Major storms hit French Guiana, British Guiana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, causing destruction and deaths;

27. Train accident from Salzburg to Caprum in Austria - and a blizzard could also cause vehicle accidents and damage in some regions with possible deaths; (if the departure or arrival time is delayed or advanced, the time can save lives). A possible attack could victimize innocent people;

28. In Colombia and Bolivia, floods, landslides, and strong winds can  victimize many innocent people;

29. Massacre in Mexico; can  victimize many people, ambush death of the mayor and prosecutor, a strong earthquake hits the country, storm hits some regions, causing destruction;

30. Floods and storms hit New Zealand and Australia, leaving many homeless and dead; a strong earthquake; and some regions are surprised by fires; 31. Victoria, Canada, may have to face one of the worst rains, floods and storms in Canada;

32. Storms with strong winds and floods may hit the Fiji Islands;

33. Strong earthquake hits Greece and some regions are hit by floods and severe rains; a possible earthquake;

34. Snowstorm in Germany, causing damage in some locations and a possible attack on a shopping mall;

35. Strong earthquake hits Samoa and in some regions   aftershocks cause damage;

36. Cyclone approaches the Caribbean, potentially causing damage in some regions; Honduras, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Belize, Jamaica, and so on

37. Strong earthquake hits the Tibet region - causing destruction and deaths;

38. Attack and explosion leaves many victims in Turkey; earthquake hits the country

39.  Influenza, claims victims in Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, the Philippines and in some regions of these countries, storms and strong winds cause damage;

40.  A large explosion in Israel, can cause deaths and many victims;]

41. Many airports will be facing problems with overcrowding, confusion, and flight delays in various parts of the world;

42. Iceland with snowstorms, storms, which may cause problems at airports and on highways - and the possibility of a volcanic eruption;

43. Heavy rains, strong winds, and storm surges may hit Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay;

44. Snowstorms may hit Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Romania, which may cause damage and casualties;

45. An attack in Russia may kill many people, and a strong earthquake also hits the country, causing damage and deaths;

46. In Ukraine, a strong explosion may kill many people; a new hope for peace may emerge;

47. A large avalanche may hit people and a village in the Swiss Alps;

48.    Blizzard could hit Norway, potentially causing accidents and avalanches;

49.  Attack can victimize innocent people in Sweden and Denmark;

50.   Floods and deaths in Sri Lanka, potentially causing many victims;

51.   Strong earthquake hits Chile, potentially causing destruction and deaths;

52.  Heavy rains can  hit Mato Grosso do Sul and other regions in Pará, Amazonas and Tocantins, (Brazil);

53.    Heavy rains hit South Korea, a fishing boat could sink off the west coast of the country and kill more than 10 people in South Korea. A famous singer/actress can be the victim of health problems or a fatal accident.

The author who expresses his omens here is totally optimistic and positive. It is 70% accurate in its predictions, and its aim is to transform this percentage to make the energies that occupy the human being positive. Therefore, use negative news for learning, evolution, preparation, and protection, not to provoke exorbitant levels of anxiety, anger, fear, panic, sadness, paranoia, and stress.
It is ideal to learn to distinguish what you can take with you from what is not necessary. After all, we cannot live completely free of the news that we find bad, whether we like it or not. Avoiding them would be impossible on a planet where the greater experience is composed of ego, ambition, power, greed, and sin. We live in a Universe that moves with both negative and positive energies, which are occupying the same space in an environment (in equal degrees). At all times, they will try to consume you or occupy your mind and body. Use the negative for personal transformation, preparation, and protection, in the sense of elevating and providing for your life. Be happy, have faith, transform your path, positive your steps, for a higher spiritual life.

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