Predictions for July 2023 - by Jucelino Luz

"Dreams are not predestinations..."

1. The Brazilian people begin to lose patience and rebel against the Judicial and Political System, as well as all of its current representatives, in Brazil, with the possibility of strikes, demonstrations and the danger of a Civil War in the near future - and nobody will be able to hold back the public revolt that will spread, they will also surround Brasilia, they will not allow any of those involved to enter there anymore? Things are going to get complicated for everyone involved in the current system; and many of them will try to flee Brazil so as not to be lynched (someone will be arbitrarily banned), only that abroad, many of them will find the worst resistance from Brazilians and foreigners revolted by the corruption schemes in Brazil;

2. Heat hits South Korea, Japan, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Laos, Thailand, and we will have a strong Typhoon with very strong winds and destruction;

3. Heat wave in Europe may victimize many people; Germany, Bulgaria, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy face water shortage; fires and floods, tornadoes, windstorms and destruction;

4. Many fires in Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy will spread to many regions and residents abandon their homes;

5. Millions of Brazilians will take to the streets, after hints of fraud in the 2022 elections, big demonstrations, break downs, may not want to vote en masse in the 2024 elections - and will revolt against authorities and politicians involved, will spread Political disputes and exchange of accusations between powers, will continue the popular revolt in Brazil, Brazilians will be sad and angry with results of trials in some Courts against popular candidate; they will spread all over the internet the revolt against the possible persecution; they will also learn that many candidates they trusted are possibly involved in this gigantic scheme (we will have many clues);

6. 6. Evidence of the emergence of a vigilante group against Ministers, politicians and members of the judiciary, who may be in danger of their lives; (dreams reveal)

7. Strong drop in temperature hits the south of Brazil, in some regions in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Paraná-Brazil; casualities  , giant waves hit coastlines in all parts of Brazil and the world;

8. Earthquake and bombing in Turkey claim many victims in the capital

9. Tornadoes, heavy rains hit USA, cyclones and strong storms in Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and fires, heat is killing many people

10. Large demonstrations in Venezuela, possible attack or capture of President Maduro, his life is in danger, there are plans for an attempt on the life of this politician;

11. 11. A strong typhoon is approaching Taiwan and China, and may cause many victims; very strong winds

12. Heavy rains hit Australia, New Zealand, causing homelessness and deaths across the country; in some regions there will be fires; strong earthquake hits Australia

13. In the U.S., downfall in the economy, economic crisis strengthens in the country, a big reduction in political confidence - on the other hand, strong tornadoes leave people homeless in Nebraska, Ohio and also in other places, with winds over 220 km and people injured and killed in the country; big fires spread across the country;

14. Crisis can be one of the big problems in Argentina; apart from the problems with landslides, heavy rains, that will also hit Uruguay and Paraguay, victims in some regions of these countries - cold wave will hit some regions and can cause avalanches

15. Attack in Russia kills at least 16 people near Moscow; and a strong earthquake hits the country. Popular uprising could lead to closure of conflict with Ukraine; and they will try to remove Vladimir Putin from power, risk life ;

16. Heavy rains and heat cause Peruvians to abandon some homes (Peru); fires and heavy rains in some regions - possibly a strong earthquake;

17. In England, strong heat, strong winds, devastating rains, and attempted attack in the country, with firearms, may cause many victims in the country;

18. Philippines heavy rains and an earthquake hits the country;

19. Indonesia a strong earthquake hits the country - on the other hand volcano erupts, also heavy rains hit Jakarta, and possible plane crash;

20. Continuous drought and intense cold in Brazil, which can bring a lot of danger with the star tick (spotted fever) And a climatic phenomenon spreads in Brazil and in other countries. In the Northeast, devastating rains and casualities ;

21. Strong earthquake hits Japan, can cause casualties in the country; rains and intense heat can cause fatalities;

22.  Strong earthquake hits Chile and may cause many victims in the country;

23. China is facing a sandstorm, also in some regions the heavy rains are causing casualties, a worrisome factor will be the drought and drought affecting agriculture in the country;

24. South Korea, heavy rains, - death of famous actor and singer;

25. Attack in Afghanistan kills more than 10 people near capital;

26. Strong earthquake hits Pakistan, may cause many deaths in the country

27. Forest fires and drought hits Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka causing deaths and casualties in the country

28. Severe drought may start to hit Thailand, India, Laos, Burma, Sri Lanka, may cause water shortage in reservoirs and be harmful to crops and plantations in the above mentioned countries;

29. Strong earthquake hits Alaska causing damage and casualties everywhere;

30. A volcano starts moving in Hawaii, big storms, landslides hit the island,

31. Several crimes spread in the U.S., may victimize at least 25 people near a School; commercial area and in a bar;

32. Possible attacks in Sweden and Denmark; many innocent people can be killed;

33. In Spain knife and gun attacks, can kill innocent people; a train accident is going to  kill innocent people;

34. Strong earthquake hits Taiwan and may cause many casualties; plus wind and another danger to the country; gunfire in politician;

35. A plane crash near Colombia, which could cause many casualties;

36. Bombing in Kenya kills at least 5 people; hotel bombing;

37. In the Republic of Congo, a mine collapse can victimize many people; an attack can also cause several fatalities in an industrial center; heavy rains, floods ravage the country

38. In Cambodia, Vietnam heat and heavy rains bring landslides, floods and victims in these countries. And in some regions many droughts harm crops in local agriculture;

39. Heavy rains hit Singapore in Asia and leaves many people in fear;

40. In Italy heavy rains, heat, also a strong earthquake causes many victims in the country;

41. In South Africa, rains and floods ravage the country, on the other hand, the conditions of violence, demonstrations continue, are not great.

42. In Portugal, we will still have some fires, and in Cape Verde, and other places we will have floods, strong winds and destruction;

43. In Canada, excessive heat, fires, and in some regions floods, with very strong winds and destruction;

44. In Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, and São Paulo, heavy rains and floods hit these places with much destruction;

45. . In Sicily, Malta burnings and heavy rains can cause casualties;

46. New attacks in Bolivia, may kill many innocent people and there are plans to kill a famous Politician; Heavy rains and possibility of a strong earthquake;

47. Guatemala against corruption and we will have conflicts and deaths in the country; possibility of death of a politician;

48. Great tension in Haiti, with conflicts and attacks in the country; destruction by rains and floods;

49. In India, heat can cause a lot of damage, and a new train accident causes many victims. And in some regions floods and storms can kill many people;

50, Attack in France and Belgium can victimize many people; in some regions cyclone can destroy and cause possible deaths. Heat and  storms  can hit some places .

51. Jair Messias Bolsonaro may be impeached for 8 years, and press freedom is at high risk in Brazil

52. Singer Madona may have serious health problems and is at great risk of her life

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