Predictions for January 2022 by Jucelino Luz

(Dreams are not predestinations)

Happy Holidays to everyone! And may it be a year full of prosperity, peace, love, health and happiness!

1 - Heavy rains and a strong earthquake hits Indonesia and may cause destruction and victims; Volcano gives a strong signal;

2 - Heavy rain, windstorms and floods will hit Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, many people will be homeless;

3 - The Zika Virus, Chikungunya fever will spread throughout Brazil, also colds with respiratory problems by the effects caused by the vaccine - and above all, will not be protected, people who have taken the vaccines, thus, more and more increasing the doses of vaccines - many deaths of children by the effect of the vaccine - a great scandal will arise: they will invent a new variant or CEPA, to try to escape the penalties of crime against humanity;

4 - Heavy rains with gale-force winds and a strong heat wave hit Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay; Peru, Chile, Colombia and Brazil, causing floods, landslides and homeless people;

5 - Brazil, fall in the economy, increase in the unemployment and great deviations of the Covidão for political campaign and will continue great domination over the uninformed and lay people, some politicians will be in risk of losing their lives, we will have evidence of favoritism for some of them (that will be made hidden agreements...); Salvadores of the Homeland will appear, deceitful propaganda stimulated by the great sensationalist media, in the sense of electing corrupt politicians in Brazil and in the World;

6 - Heavy snowfall hits the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Norway, Japan, South Korea and China and may bring problems, victims and in some regions storms will cause destruction, interruption in airports and deaths;

7 - In Pará and Acre the dispute for wood (there will be more violence and deaths in disputes), is growing and will reach 30% of some areas. The lack of fiscalization (evidence of harmony of inspectors), could harm Brazil a lot; Floods in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo - Brazil;

8 - Fire and storms in Australia will hit some localities, causing floods and destruction with victims - and may even submerge a small town;

9 - Food shortage grows in Venezuela, violence will bring conflicts and attacks with demonstrations against the federal government

10 - A train and bus accident in Germany, with the possibility of victimizing more than 30 innocent people;

11 - In some regions of India the heat will be a big problem and in other regions the rains will cause many material damages and deaths; there will be a strong earthquake;

12 - A bus accident on the road near Belo Horizonte will kill many innocent people - Brazil;

13 - Attack in Afghanistan kills 20 more people in the South of the country; it increases the conflicts and a small airplane will crash near the capital

14 - A bus accident may kill many innocent people between Rio de Janeiro and the interior of São Paulo - Brazil

15 - Attacks organized by terrorists, could make victims in England, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Russia;

16 - Heavy rains with floods will hit the states of: Espírito Santo, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, (central part and mountainous areas), will cause landslides and will make victims in several regions;

17 - Heavy rains and floods will hit Vietnam, Laos and Thailand leaving people homeless and killing many people in these countries;

18 - Heavy rains will hit the states of: Para, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Amazonas, Maranhão causing floods and deaths in several regions - Brazil;

19 - Heavy Rains will hit South Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan with landslides, with possible victims and homeless in the country; there will be possibilities of a plane crash in one of these countries;

20 - A bus accident in the countryside in Goiás could cause several victims;

21 - Snowstorms will hit Japan and China, and may cause problems in airports, also heavy rains, severe winds, floods in some regions with victims;

22 - Heavy rain in Portugal will cause many victims in several cities;

23 - Strong Earthquake in Australia, can victimize hundreds of people in the country;

24 - Heat wave in California and Alaska, can cause problems in some regions, as well as fires, while in other regions rains and floods;

25 - Floods and heat wave in Peru, Argentina and Chile, will cause damage to people and make victims in some regions of the state;

26 - Bombings claim many victims in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Nigeria - Africa;

27 - A famous TV presenter may feel ill and be taken to the hospital, with risk of life - Brazil;

28 - In Portugal fire may reach a central area and heavy rains, storms, floods and destruction will hit the country;

29 - Crisis in Spain and Italy will signal worsening and may cause more unemployment and new paths for change;

30 - Strong earthquake will hit Italy, causing much fear and possible victims in the country; heavy rains and in some regions avalanche will make victims;

31 - Protests in France will begin with movements for modification in the Politics of the country, there could be demonstrations and possible attacks in the country with deaths of innocent people; demonstrations will begin to increase in the country;

32 - Heavy rain and windstorms will cause floods in Guatemala, Mexico and Jamaica, there may be many damages and possible victims; in another region the heat will bring fires;

33 - In Japan Mount Fuji volcano, will give strong signs and problems in the economy, weakening of the virus and increase of the cases of influenza due to weakening of the immune system of the Japanese people by the effects of vaccination;

34 - Strong earthquake of 7.0 will hit Chile, causing serious problems and possible deaths in the country;

35 - In China, a possible plane crash may cause victims, due to mechanical and climatic problems

36 - A strong storm may hit Haiti, causing floods, many damages and deaths; a strong earthquake will hit the country;

37 - An announcement of economic calamity in Brazil will show how great was the lack of management and involvement in deviation of resources, fraudulent bidding and how there was never any inspection in these Public Bodies, involving some municipalities in Brazil;

38 - Another strong earthquake hits Papua New Guinea; Strong earthquake hits Samoa, may cause damage;

39 - A strong earthquake will hit Taiwan and China and in some regions floods may cause many victims;

40 - In Myanmar, storm will show strength and giving terrifying signs to the population and the world; a possible earthquake could hit the place;

41 - A possible crash of a small airplane could hit a region in Brazil;

42 - Accident with several vehicles in Austria and in the USA, will involve buses and several cars and can make many victims due to strong snowstorm that will hit these countries; can cause damages in the airport;

43 - In Norway snowstorms and strong winds will bring heavy rain and floods in the country;

44 - Big problems in airports and delays, could cause disruption in some regions of Brazil and in the World;

45 - In the Ukraine, an attack can make many victims; and fall of mine can cause deaths;

46 - A strong earthquake will hit Bolivia and several floods will spread in the country;

47 - An attack could kill many people in the United Arab Emirates; possible fire in a building;

48 - Heavy rains will continue to cause damage in Suriname, French Guiana and English;

49 - Blizzards and also heavy floods hit Holland, Belgium and Romania, causing victims in all parts of the country;

50 - In Mexico a strong earthquake and rains hit the country;

51 - Puerto Rico is shaken by a strong earthquake and heavy rains;

52 - Strong earthquake hits Turkey and may cause many victims; and bombing;

53 - Rains and blizzards may hit Bosnia and Herzegovina;

54 - In Tunisia attack could cause many victims, near the capital;

55 - Blizzards could cause big problems in Romania, Poland, Russia, there will be storms;

56 - Heavy rain in Philippines may cause floods causing a lot of damage; possible attack may victimize many people;

57 - In Peru an earthquake of 7.0 on the Richter scale could victimize many people;

58 - Heavy rain and strong earthquake hits Colombia, victimizing many people in the
country; there may be an attack in a supermarket;

59 - 6.0 earthquake hits Panama, may cause fear in residents of some regions;

60 - Shipwreck could victimize many people near the sea of Greece; and a strong earthquake;

61 - In Congo in Africa, heavy rains, an attack may victimize several people; and volcano will give signs of eruption;

62 - Explosion in India may cause many deaths in the country; there will be rains and devastation;

63 - Suicide of a famous person; heavy rain in South Korea, may cause
victims in the country;

64 - Heavy rain hits Belize, Dominican Republic, causing deaths in these countries;

65 - In North Africa and South Africa, heavy rains will occur and floods will make people homeless, may have many victims;

66 - Terrorist attack in Pakistan can make many victims in the country;

67. Devastating floods in Bulgaria, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia, and Greece could claim many victims, and it could get even worse in the coming months; and a strong earthquake in Cyprus;

68 - Demonstrations in the US could claim many victims in clashes; President is shaken by health problems, crisis could increase and several climatic problems will arise in the country;

69 - Cyclone hits some regions in Spain, France, reaching dangerous levels

70 - Protests in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau will mark the entrance of the New Year, due to changes in the choice of the new Chief Executive in Hong Kong;

71 - Attack in Germany could kill dozens of people;

72 - A terrorist attack will hit many people in Canada, possibly also several
storms and fires;

73 - A strong earthquake of 7.0 hits Alaska, and may victimize many people
and heavy rains hit several regions;

74 - Drought and drought affects Vietnam, in some regions heavy rains and floods affect cities; damages continue to bring instability in the country;

75 - Heavy snowfall with avalanches hits Iceland near the capital, causing many victims in the country; volcano shows signs of eruption;

76 - Ore mine collapses and kills many workers in Africa

77 - Attack in Finland could victimize many innocent people;

78 - Blizzard in Siberia will cause avalanches and deaths, airplane may disappear;

79 - Landslides, heavy rains, floods in Espirito Santo, may victimize many

80 - Attack can kill several people in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan;

81- An accident in Russia can cause many deaths in the country;

82 - Cold front in the Southeast of Brazil, will cause strong rains, whirlwinds, floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and
Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná; hangover and windstorms in some parts of the
and north coast of São Paulo;

85. Attempted terrorist attack and in some regions heavy rains, with strong winds
and flooding could happen in Scotland and Northern Ireland.


To attract good fluids in 2022
Two foolproof rituals:
The first exercise is the preparation of the "Gratitude Candle" and everyone can participate. This one is good to do on the first day of the year, and if you have children, you can do it with them - put it in a safe place that doesn't catch fire. Children love it. Do it on January 1st and it will be valid for the next 364 days of the year, she advises.

To assemble the gratitude candle, he teaches: Get a seven-day candle and write on it: gratitude for those you wish, or stick a label on the candle. Buy little colored pieces of paper (post-it) and put beside them the names of people you are grateful to.

According to Jucelino Luz, this process will help you practice gratitude and realize how many reasons you have to be grateful. The more gratitude you feel, the more reasons you will find! And on those challenging days, or when sadness strikes, you can remember how many reasons you have had or have to be grateful for.

Jucelino Luz points out that this practice has countless Benefits: It raises the level of positive emotions, makes us feel more pleasure and joy, makes us more optimistic, increases empathy, decreases negative feelings and emotions, helps in cases of depression, and so on.

Seven herbs with coarse salt bath against the evil eye:
Another tip from Jucelino Luz is to take a bath of seven herbs and coarse salt. According to the therapist and spiritual advisor, it has the power to balance us spiritually, ward off the evil eye and envy, open paths, attract good vibrations, and offer protection for 2022.
Take your bath as usual, and when you finish, pour from the neck down, 1 liter of water with 2 tablespoons of coarse salt. You can mix well until the salt dissolves, using the water from the shower itself. While pouring, repeat out loud or in your mind: cleansing and purifying!
You can rinse, and then pour in the seven herbal tea, and dry off afterwards (without rinsing this time). You can do the process by adding coarse salt and the seven herbs (Rosemary, Basil, Sword of St. George, Rue, Guinea, Pepper, and Meadowfoam) all together.

To prepare the tea, Jucelino Luz explains: Put 1 liter of water to boil. When small bubbles begin to form in the water, add 1 tablespoon of the seven herbs (dried or fresh) and cover. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Do it about 30 minutes before the bath to allow time for it to cool down and not get too hot;

Do this ritual with all your faith and certainty that it will be answered. Good luck!

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