Predictions for January 2025 – by Jucelino Luz

(Dreams are not predestinations)

1- A strong earthquake hits Japan, which can cause destruction and victims.
2- Heavy rains, strong winds and floods will hit Indonesia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, leaving many people homeless.
3- Hemorrhagic dengue, Zika virus, and Chikungunya fever will spread throughout Brazil.
4- Heavy rains with strong winds and a strong heat wave will hit Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay; Peru, Chile, Colombia and Brazil, which can cause floods and homelessness.
5- Brazil, a slight improvement in the economy, on the other hand there is still the possibility of increasing unemployment and there will be great American influence that will begin with packages against the current system in Brazil, there may be arrests of politicians and authorities linked to organized crime in Brazil;
6- Heavy snowfall hits the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Spain. Norway, Japan, South Korea and China may bring problems, victims and, in some regions, storms will cause destruction, airport disruptions and deaths.
7 – Amazon: there is a large increase in deforestation. In Pará and Acre, the dispute over timber (more violence and deaths in disputes) is growing and will affect 32% of some areas and mining exploration. The lack of inspection (indicating harmony between inspectors) can seriously harm Brazil.
8 – In Australia, a strong earthquake and storms will hit some locations, causing floods and destruction with victims – and may even submerge a small town.
9 – In Venezuela, the hunt and overthrow of Maduro begins, in the aspects of a promise that will be fulfilled by the current American government.
10 – A train and bus accident in India, near New Delhi, may kill more than 50 innocent people; in some regions of India, the heat will be a major problem, the rains will cause a lot of material damage and deaths.

11 - Two bus accidents, one in Rio de Janeiro and the other in the South of the country, can kill many innocent people on Highways BR-040 and BR 116 in Brazil.
12 - An attack in Pakistan kills another 25 people in the South of the country; conflicts increase and a small plane crashes near Islamabad.
13 - A bus accident could kill many innocent people in Pernambuco - Brazil
14 - Organized attacks can cause victims in Australia - Spain, France, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Russia.
15 - Heavy rains with floods will hit the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (central part and mountainous areas), causing landslides and victims in several regions.
16 - Heavy rains and floods hit Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Laos and Thailand, leaving many people homeless and killing many people in these countries.

17-Heavy rains will hit the states of Pará, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Amazonas, Maranhão, causing floods and deaths in several regions.
18- Heavy rains will hit the island of Borneo, Malacca, China and Malaysia, causing landslides, possible victims and homeless people in the country; there will be a possibility of a plane crash.
19-A plane crash in the interior of São Paulo can cause several victims.
20-A snowstorm hits Japan, South Korea and can cause problems at airports and heavy rains, severe winds, floods in some regions with victims;
21-Attack in Israel will cause many victims near the capital;

22 – A strong earthquake in New Zealand could kill many people in the country.

23 – A heat wave in Brazil can cause problems and water shortages in some regions, while in other regions there could be rain and flooding;

24 – Floods and a heat wave in Chile will cause damage to people and victims in some regions of the state. A strong earthquake can cause deaths and destruction;

25 – An attack causes many victims in Congo, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Nigeria – Africa;

26 – A car/bus accident can kill two famous singers (or singers) in Brazil;

27 – In Portugal, a fire can  hit a commercial area and a rural area; and heavy rains and windstorms can occur, flooding and destruction could hit the country.

28 – The economic crisis in Spain is showing signs of worsening and can cause more unemployment and new paths for changes and problems in commerce, industry and real estate.

29 – A blizzard and a strong earthquake hit Italy, causing much fear and possible casualties in the country.

30 – Protests in Germany and France begin with movements to change the country's politics, with demonstrations and possible attacks in the country, with innocent people dying. And an attack can victimize innocent people in one of these countries;

31 – Heavy rains and strong winds cause floods in Australia and many losses and possible casualties. In another region, the heat brings fires.;

32 – A strong 7.0 earthquake hits China, causing serious problems and possible deaths in the country.

33 – A possible plane crash can  cause casualties, due to mechanical and weather problems in the USA;

34 – A strong storm can  hit the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Island, Haiti, causing floods, and many damages and deaths; And a strong earthquake hits the country.

35 – Public calamity in 35 more city halls in Brazil shows how great the lack of management, lack of resources, involvement in embezzlement of resources, fraudulent bidding, and how there has never been any oversight in these public bodies, involving some municipalities in Brazil.;

36 – Strong earthquake hits Samoa and Papua New Guinea, potentially causing damage;

37 – Strong earthquake hits Peru, volcanic eruption, and, in some regions, floods cause many victims.

38 – In Taiwan, a strong earthquake and storm show strength and give terrifying signs to the population and the world; and a possible earthquake could hit the place. A fire hits a commercial area with an explosion;

39 – The possible crash of two helicopters on different dates, can  kill a famous person and 2 other people in Mato Grosso; and another accident in Minas Gerais;

40 – A multi-vehicle accident in Austria, involving a bus and several cars, can  cause at least 12 victims in the country; due to the strong snowstorm that is hitting the country; and it can cause damage to the airport and avalanches with possible victims;

41 – In Norway, snowstorms, strong winds, bring heavy rains and floods to the country causing rocks to roll on roads - an attack could kill many innocent people;

42 – Chaos and major problems at airports and delays could cause disruption in some regions of the world and in Brazil;

43 – In Thailand, an attack leaves many victims; strong storms,

44 – Attack kills many people in Egypt; a sandstorm covers some regions; major discovery in Egypt;

45 – Danger in the South of the country, heavy rains will continue to cause damage in the South: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná will be greatly affected.

46 – Strong earthquake, strong floods hit Bolivia, causing victims in all parts of the country. And an attack can  kill many people - also a plane crash;

47 – An attack could victimize an important authority. Between Mexico and the USA, the bodies of missing Brazilians are found – after trying to cross the border and being robbed and killed. Death of a famous artist.
48 – A shipwreck could kill many people near the Norwegian Sea;
49 – A strong earthquake hits Afghanistan, potentially causing many victims. Strong winds and a collapse could kill many people;

50 – Death due to an attack on a building in Tunisia can cause many victims, near the capital.

51 – A blizzard can cause major problems in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Russia, and it is even possible to cause a train accident in Bulgaria (nearby).

52 – An earthquake and heavy rains in the Philippines could cause flooding, cause a lot of damage and can cause a plane crash.

53 – Heavy rains, a strong earthquake hits Colombia, killing many people in the country.

54 – Rains, strong winds and a possible earthquake hit Panama, potentially causing fear among residents of some regions. 55 – Snowstorm in Switzerland could kill some people after avalanches in some locations;

56 – Heavy rain hits South Korea, potentially causing casualties in the country.

57 – In North Africa and South Africa, heavy rains and floods will leave people homeless and may result in several victims. And a wave of kidnappings spreads in the country;

58 – Peace meeting is scheduled between Russia and Ukraine, brokered by Donald Trump, current US president;

59 – Devastating floods in Hungary, Georgia, Armenia and Greece cause several victims and may get even worse in the coming months; And a strong earthquake in Cyprus.

60 – Hong Kong, China, faces economic instability, banks in crisis and shops closing, unemployment, clear signs of increasing poverty, - rising prices - which may lead to interference and incentives to solve the serious problem;

61 – Snowstorm in Siberia causes avalanches and deaths. 62. In England, an attempted attack in some regions, heavy rains, strong winds, and floods are causing possible victims. The economic crisis is greater than expected, with a housing crisis and damage to industry, which could lead to demonstrations in the future. The same can happen in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

63 – The Norovirus, Mpox, Ebola, Nipah, and Marburg are showing strong signs of the next epidemic (pandemic) – they will explode in countries in Central Africa, and then, there will be high signs of these infections. Infections will also be recorded in Spain, Serbia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, France, Germany, and Sweden.

64. Magnetic anomaly in the South Atlantic caused in part by uncontrolled mining around the world – can influence several factors on the planet until 2060;

Happy New Year! Start your New Year by finding the balance between Body, Mind and Spirit

The New Year is the time to renew your energy, to let go of bad feelings and allow good feelings and energies to enter. It is a day to spend with good people who exude positive energy: the turn of the year is very important for the entire year. Allow yourself to feel everything you need and live new experiences in the coming year. Make better plans, visualize them all, taking a step forward every day, always being grateful instead of complaining. Look around you and realize that everything is already changing and all that is missing is your change. PEACE, LOVE, FRATERNITY, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH AND SPIRITUALITY!

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