July/2024 predictions by Jucelino Luz
“Dreams are not predestinations”
1 – Brazil can face major economic problems - in relation to the climate, we will have a very cold month with the possibility of frost and snow in some parts of the country;
2. A strong Typhoon approaches Taiwan, China and the Philippines;
3. English economy in another small decline, some companies make layoffs; the number of unemployed increases; also the possibility of an attack in London – storms and storm surges threaten the country;
4. Heat wave hits Thailand, China, South Korea, Japan, India and new virus brings big problems;
5. Strong 7.0 earthquake in Chile leaves many victims; rain can cause a lot of damage;
6. 7.0 earthquake hits Japan, potentially causing material damage and injuries;
7. Intense cold wave hits Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and thermometers plummet and frosts spread;
8. A heat wave hits Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, India, and major storms and floods spread across the country;
9. Coal mine collapses in Russia and leaves many victims; new attack hits the country;
10. A 6.0 earthquake hits Australia and New Zealand leaving several victims; Storms hit Australia and New Zealand, causing several deaths;
11. Portugal heat wave and lack of water, fires in some regions; and the economic crisis in the country increases; And big problems begin to emerge in the country, it is the start of the fires that will spread to several regions;
12. 7.0 earthquake hits Indonesia, causing some victims across the country;
13. Attacks in the USA close to busy areas can kill many people; a hurricane is approaching the country;
14. In France, Mari Le Pain easily defeats her opponents – waking voters up to better conditions for the country;
15. Attack in France can kill more than eleven people, conflicts in France and attempted attack on a politician;
16. Some attacks are recorded in Germany and there are possibilities of death - which can be thwarted by the police;
17. Crimes in Egypt can victimize at least 12 people in some cities; increases poverty;
18. Heat wave grows in Greece, Italy, France, Spain Germany and in some places due to the rains cases of leptospirosis spread and heavy rains leave injuries
19. Possible earthquake in Taiwan can cause destruction in the country; heavy rains can cause landslides and homelessness;
20. Myanmar heavy rain leaves dozens dead; and also homeless
21. 6.0 earthquake hits Turkey, also an attack kills several people;
22. Strong earthquake hits Mexico and can cause extensive damage and possible deaths; heavy rains and hurricane cause destruction;
23. Possible attack in the Republic of Congo, which can kill many people and a fire in a building will cause destruction and deaths;
24. Terrorist attack in Pakistan can kill more than 12 people in the capital;
25. Typhoon hits southeast China, Macau, causing several victims and homeless people;
26. Attack in Kenya can kill more than 11 people and injure dozens;
27. In India storms can injure at least 19 people; bus accident can injure more than 25 people;
28. Earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale hits Alaska;
29. Heavy rains and heat hit Canada and can kill many people;
30. Fiji earthquake can cause great destruction and heat + heavy rains spread there,
31. 6.0 Earthquake Hits Iceland and Spreads More Volcano Larvae;
32. In Brazil, new problems in the south of the country, frost, snow, in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, which can cause major landslides, vehicle accidents and new catastrophes;
33. Heavy rains in Sierra Leone will be hit by several floods and problems, and major damage in Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal, Mali, Ghana that will leave many deaths and homeless;
34. Earthquake in Afghanistan measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale leaves at least 7 dead;
35. Heat wave hits Greece and Turkey, and heavy rains cause floods and destruction, with many injured and dead. A strong earthquake hits both countries;
36. A heat wave will hit Hungary, Croatia Bosnia, Portugal, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania Monte Negro, and bring heavy rains, gales and floods;
37.. Deforestation in the Amazon and Pará and crimes increase by 15%; and illegal exploitation;
38. Violent attacks in Haiti can cause several injuries in various regions;
39. Strong Tornadoes hit the USA and can cause destruction and deaths; and in some places fires spread; Donald Trump increases his advantage over his opponent, leading the party to try to change candidates;
40. Explosion in Colombia, which can kill more than 20 people near the capital;
The author who expresses his predictions here. It is totally optimistic and positive. He has 70% of his predictions correct, what he intends is to transform this percentage to positive the energies that occupy the human being, in this way, use negative news, in the sense of learning, evolution, preparation, protection, not to provoke exorbitant levels of anxiety, anger, fear, panic, sadness, paranoia and stress.
It's ideal to learn to distinguish between what you can take with you and what you don't need. After all, we cannot live completely free from this news that we find bad, whether we like it or not, avoiding it would be impossible on a planet where the greatest experience is made up of ego, ambition, power, greed and sin, we live in a Universe that moves with energies both negative as well as positive, which are occupying the same space in an environment (to an equal degree). At all times they will try to consume you or occupy your mind and body. Use the negative for personal transformation, preparation, protection, in order to elevate and provide for your life. Be happy, have faith, transform your path, positive your steps, towards a higher spiritual life.