Young German girl claiming to be Madeleine is not the real missing girl, Jucelino Luz predictions reveal

Águas de Lindóia, February 16, 2023


A young German girl claiming to be Madeleine, the girl who disappeared as a child, who is causing a stir, is not the real missing girl, reveals Jucelino Luz' predictions

A young girl is causing a stir on social networks. The reason? She claims to be Madeleine, the girl who disappeared as a child about 16 years ago. However, Jucelino Luz, in his premonitory visions has already solved the case since 2007 - he sent letters to the English, Portuguese and German authorities, and states that, although the girl looks similar, she is not the missing girl. Since that time there have been several people, suspects, and information that never came to anything, says the visionary.
The case of international repercussion was never solved, and what is known, according to authorities, is that the body of the girl, who was only 4 years old at the time, was never found. However, the girl's body is still in Portugal and information from the visionary, show through the evidence, that the girl is dead and indications that there are two culprits for the disappearance of this girl.
However, this young German girl, 21 years old, ended up going viral on the internet, after claiming to be the missing child. But, you can be sure that she is not the girl. Second visionary is sorry to have to state this, but this story could have a very scandalous ending when the real culprits for disappearing with the poor little girl are truly pointed out.
Identifying herself as Julia, the young woman turned to social media and on her Instagram page, she said she was Madeleine. With the post made on February 14, 2023, she revealed that she has evidence that could prove that she and the missing girl are the same person. She is so sure that she wants to contact the girl's parents and even request a DNA test to prove that she is the same person. However, the DNA will not be able to match the missing girl, because she is not "A pity, laments the visionary Jucelino Luz.
The profile created by the German girl, aroused the curiosity of the internet users, and soon reached more than 100 thousand followers. Too bad it's not that girl.
Understand the Madeleine case, remember
The year was 2007, more precisely May of that year, when Madeleine, who was with her family, disappeared. At the time she was sleeping together with her siblings in an apartment in a resort in the Algarve, Portugal. Before her disappearance Jucelino Luz, sent several letters, including, he also sent to the Hotel, and other places. He also made contact with family members, journalists, English, Portuguese and German authorities.
The case had great repercussion worldwide, mainly due to the huge publicity campaign carried out by the girl's parents to try to find out the whereabouts of the heiress. Too bad there is a huge publicity campaign involving the name of this innocent little girl. And above all, several points, not clarified yet.
Even with a lot of investigation, the case had no solution, except for the indications that the letters written in the prophecies clearly indicate, where the investigations should be concluded, although it is not the role of Jucelino Luz to accuse anyone. The path of suspicion has been frozen, because there are strong indications, however, for some reason, they have diverted the focus. It is not up to us to make the judgment, but, in this current case and several others raised in the past, they were just speculations (without any conclusion).

Prof. Jucelino Luz

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